BlogoTech Gets Google Sitelinks

This is yet another feat which we achieve in our competition to rise up to the top after a recent pagerank update. I am quite happy to say that BlogoTech got 4 sitelinks. I noticed them yesterday though I am not sure from when are they showing up. This is because I rarely search for BlogoTech on Google, rather I might do some keyword research. A site can get a maximum of 8 and minimum of 2 sitelinks. If you look at the image below, you can see that BlogoTech has got 4 sitelinks (not bad ;))BlogoTech Sitelinks

If you are new to this, you can see what Google says about sitelinks:

Sitelinks are links to other pages on your site that may appear under the search result for your site. Google generates these links automatically, and not all sites have sitelinks. Our process for generating Sitelinks is completely automated. We show them when we think they’ll be most useful to searchers, saving them time from hunting through web pages to find the information they are looking for. Over time, we may look for ways to incorporate input from webmasters too.

Sitelinks helps a Blog/site in branding and increases trust, their generation is completely dependent on the number of visits a site gets from Search Engines. BlogoTech currently gets maximum traffic from Search Engines and I am constantly working on every post to optimize. You can also refer our SEO tips to generate good amount of traffic from Search Engines.

Things don’t end here, and I will be back soon with another Announcement or a Giveaway 😉

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