Display Author Image Next to Your Blog Articles in Google Search Results

Displaying author image next to post title looks pretty good when it is a multi author Blog. Did you ever imagine how would the search results look when they have the image of the author next to the search results? Yes, they would look really cool and Google has also made it possible for Bloggers to display the author image next to the links in search results through a feature called Authorship. Here is how you can do it:

1. You must have an About Me page in your Blog.  Do create it if you don’t have one. Link your name (preferable) or some other word to your Google Profile. This link should have rel=”me”. You can refer the source code of the About page of BlogoTech where the link looks like this:
<a rel=”me” href=”https://plus.google.com/117924486158016885283/about“>Lalit Indoria</a>

2. Next you need to link all the article on your Blog to the “About Page” you created in step 1. Hence you can add the link in your sidebar or the footer. You can see that I have added the link in the sidebar of BlogoTech under the Twitter heading. This link should have rel=”author” attribute. The link which I have placed in the sidebar sidebar looks like this:
<a rel=”author” href=”https://www.blogotechblog.com/about-blogotech/”>About BlogoTech</a>

3. Now you can sign in to your Google Profile and add a link to your “About Me” page. Also check the statement “This page is specifically about me”. You are done with it now.

To check this, you can go to rich snippets in Google Webmasters and paste  a url of a recent post. You must get a result like this:rich snippets

You can see that there is a new author profile link which corresponds to the About page of BlogoTech.

Once your content is re-crawled, you will see the image next to search results.

[via Digital Inspiration]

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