I haven’t been using Yahoo mail much because I had always preferred Gmail much and moreover, my yahoo id doesn’t sound too good 😛 A few minutes back I got a mail from Yahoo which informed me that in the coming months Yahoo users will be asked to upgrade to the newest version of Yahoo Mail in the coming months! Anyway I had an option to upgrade instantly and I did. Keep reading to see what I experienced.
A New Inbox

The new Inbox is something which Yahoo boasts of. Yahoo says that you can view or hide the Preview pane by clicking on the Preview button and even resize it. Even after Upgrading I could not find the Preview button and no preview pane too though there was one in the previous version so this feature has nothing new in it!
Online contacts with Avatar
The online contacts in the previous version did not show avatars which I never liked but this one is good and moreover it also shows your Facebook friends online. So now you can chat with both your Yahoo and Facebook friends in the same place.
Attaching Documents Made Easy
This feature sucked in the old version. Thanks to Yahoo for enhancing it. Attaching Multiple files has been made easy. You can attach and delete attached documents with a single click.
Chat While Emailing

The previous version opened chat window in new tabs. This made emailing difficult. The new version has a fix to this where you can email while the chat window opens as a small pop up. This is perhaps the best when compared to Facebook or Gmail.
These features are good enough except the missing Preview button. I don’t know if others too are facing the same issue. Do let me know if you can see the preview button in your mail after upgrading. Also these features might bring back some users who have migrated to Gmail